Tuesday 19 October 2010

side lighting Project in college

1 comment:

  1. Mood: The mood from this picture is very relaxed, because of the way i have portrayed the hippo in this image and i feel it makes the viewer relaxed aswell.

    Form: I like the way the shadow is resting over the hippo's neck creating nice form.

    Content: I havent gone for an underlining message of such, but again I believe it gives a relaxing feel.

    Process: The process i went through was placing a book behind the hippo, creating a background and a nice setting and thus creating a foreground using a the hippo to achieve this. this i think makes the hippo look like its in its natural environment.
    I also used side lighting, to create to nice shadows along its neck and face giving a nice effect i also took the picture in black and white as it gives a more dramatic feel.
